Price & Project Related Questions
The price is 6.5$ / 1 m2 for walnut projects and it can differ a bit depending on several criteria used like location of neighborhood, land type (cultivated or empty).
The company can manage the project for a specific period for 20% of the net profit and may include other multiple tasks the most significant of which being caring for and harvesting the crops and finally distribution and sales of the produce.
There is a variety of fruits and crops to choose from that can be invested in with the most significant of those being Walnuts, Blueberry, Almond, Kiwi, Olive, Cherries and Grapes.
Due to the growing demand for walnuts both locally and internationally, distribution of its produce is eased. The Walnut is also in the category of trees that only need to be planted once or twice yearly like other seasonal crops and has a very easy storage process compared to other crops.
In addition, the Chandler walnut trees bloom in April/March, after the end of the frost season, which leads to an increase in the tree’s production rate and thus increases the production and profits of the entire project.
Yes, but conditionally. An investor can purchase less than 170,000 square meters of unplanted land
1- select the land that suits you as an investor putting into consideration your preferences and budget, by inquiring about the range of offers available.
2- visit and inspect the site yourself.
3- ratify contract with the company lawyer.
4- transfer of ownership to the new investor.
5- start the Investment process with a detailed pre-arranged and studied upon plan.
One of the most rewarding agricultural investments is walnut cultivation, as it has several significant investment advantages like having the lowest risks to requiring the least effort and carrying the highest profits.
Many cities in Turkey are known for being good places to acquire land, with the most notably: Denizli.
Government Related Info
If the land is cultivated, a foreigner can own a minimum land area of 10,000 square meters and a maximum of 300,000 square meters and if the land is empty then the permitted land area starts from 170,000 square meters.
Previously, the Law’s purpose was to check if the foreign investor’s country-oforigin permits Turkish ownership in it which was referred to as “reciprocity” principle. It was revoked in the legal amendments of Article 35 of the Land Registry law in 2012 and instead the Turkish cabinet was granted the right to decide which countries’ citizens can own property in Turkey when it deems suitable. Currently all nationalities can buy land in Turkey apart from Syrians, Yemenis and North Koreans
Yes, the Turkish government provides necessary support for both Turkish and foreign investors which is done with specific conditions and programs. Two of those support programs include Tashwiq and the second being IPARD.
Under Turkish law, only one individual is entitled to obtain the title deed and in the event that more than one individual needs to own a piece of land together, they must first establish a corporation and register the land under the name of the Shared corporation.
There are multiple cities and regions that have been designated by Turkish law for the foreign investment support program those areas include: afyonkarahisar, Agri, Aksaray, Amasya, Ankara, Erzurum, Aydin, Balikesir, Bodrum, Bursa, Kirikkale, Cankiri, Corum, Denizli, Diyarbakir, Elazig, Erzincan, Hatay, Sanliurfa, kars, Karaman, Konya, Trabzon, Usak, Manisa, Yozgat, Mardin, Kutahya, Malatya, Kastamonu, Kahramanmaras, Isparta, Mersin, Mus, Nevsehir, Samsun.
• The foreign investor must establish a limited company using a capital of 100000 Turkish lira and must also register the Investment Project under the company’s name.
• The Investor must purchase agricultural land with a minimum area of 10000 square meters and register it under the company.
• The Purchased land geographical location must be within the borders of specified cities by Turkish law in order to be granted the government’s support.
• Extending a power cable from the main station to the project site.
• The investor must also connect the power cable from the main supply station to the project site The Investor must also facilitate water supply within the borders of their agricultural land.
The process may take between 2 to 6 months to carry out and it includes time needed to gather, approve and translate all necessary legal documents.
A single foreigner or foreign entity has the right to own a minimum land area of 170000 square meters if the land is empty and in the event which land is cultivated they can own a minimum area of 10000 square meters.
As per Turkish government regulations, there are two kinds of title deeds, the first being Red Tapu which is designed for the ownership of apartments or plots that are intended for property building. The other form is blue Tapu which is designed for the ownership of agricultural lands where cultivation or animal husbandry investment projects can be established.
Yes, the Investor has the right to build on the property but is limited to only 5% of the agricultural total land area
Different investors are permitted to manage their lands by themselves but in the event that they cannot relocate to Turkey our company offers all the required support to run and manage the land in accordance to both legal and agreed-upon terms and conditions with the Investor.
Yes. Buying land grants foreigners the opportunity to apply for Turkish citizenship as long as the land value is 250000 dollars or more. However, land ownership does not grant a real estate residency permit.
If the land owner dies, land is inherited under Turkish law.